For Us Personally

Scripture Reading - Hebrews 9:11-12 KJV

11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

In a previous lesson we covered how God is “For Us” in so many ways including salvation, healing, wisdom, peace, prosperity and etc… We (ihlcc) were basically stating that God is “For You” in more ways than you know because He loves you so much. However, in today’s lesson we will teach briefly on God being for us in our specific “profession” and “confession”. In the context of “profession” we are stating that God will help you even in the minute details of your job. Yes, if you are a professional football player God will help you to play at your highest levels. The Lord is always there to give you counsel and foresight. If you are single mother who needs to earn enough income to provide for your three children God will help you see what is the best move to make today to bring about a much brighter tomorrow. Yes, God is always willing and ready to show you exactly (specifically) what needs to be done today to put you into a better position for your future. We (ihlcc) can recall many times where the Lord Jesus, or Holy Spirit or Father God (sometimes we are not sure whom gave us the information we just know it was divine, thus God) spoke a word to our heart to bring complete deliverance and it was good. However, we must warn everyone reading this article that it took obedience on our part to see the full manifestation of the blessing/benefit. In other words, if the hearer does not do exactly what the Lord said they might not ever see the exact benefit that was promised. We have heard it said, “That without obedience to God there is no promise of success from God!” This statement is truly spoken and truly lived by obedient children of God and the lack of God’s blessing by the disobedient to God. We can remember thinking that if you had two teams playing in the professional football Superbowl and each team had some believers on it which team would win? Recently, we learned that God is not as big on organizations and companies as He is on people (individuals). God is big on you representing Him in the correct light of Love and Goodness and Peace, He is not as big on who you choose to represent in this world/earth. So the answer is not in the team but rather the individual players on the team. I have seen certain players make big plays during big games because the Lord graced them to do it. Thus, the more players you have believing in God for His divine help the better the chances you have of winning the game as a team because the corporate anointing is more stronger when you have more people incorporated into that one heart for God. So the more players you have playing on a higher level it only stands to reason the greater chance that team has for success. Teams, organizations and companies don’t give testimonies only people do. So it is easy to see that God loves all people specifically and He can bless all His children at the same time with no problem. However, the children of God that are closer to His (God’s) Heart will know the outcome of their endeavors before they happen because their heart’s enhancement of foresight. The Lord doesn’t just have foresight but He Is foresight simply because He knows the future well because He Is omniscient. Likewise we used the term God is also “For Us” concerning our “confession” because for certain your words will precede your wisdom. Yes, in other words you must speak further God’s help by asking for His guidance before the wisdom of God is manifested. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is you should always acknowledge God in all your ways so that He can direct your paths.-Proverbs 3:6 The flip side of that truth is, “That when you don’t acknowledge God in your decisions He cannot direct your paths”. Thus, humbleness and openness to God is critical. Many believers like to think that God will just instantly manifest His Wisdom whenever no matter whatever but that is not true. No, my faith friend, you bring God into your circumstance and situations by speaking His Word. Your confession of God’s Word is your life because you are manifesting His Life. Remember God’s Words are truth and they are Life. Specifically speaking they are our life when used appropriately. This is why we know God is “For Us” because He (The Lord) gave us the Word of Life to be victorious in our life. Yes, God is helping to enlighten both the rich and poor, the black and the white man, the citizen and the foreigner, the very young and very old but only those who are listening for His Voice will hear Him once He has spoken. Why? Simply because those who called out to God will be listening for His answer. Not just any answer but solely the wisdom of God that comes directly from our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. So be wise, our faith friend, by realizing that God is “For Us” generally (in everything) and “for you” specifically concerning the minute details in your life. Amen!